("It Is Finished", RCA, 1974)

Nina Simone, her voice, her unique feeling, her civil engagement... She was a legend.
She recorded this album in 1974, the same year she left USA because of segregation.
"It Is Finished" is the kind of great jazz/soul crossover records that I love. The instrumentation, with sitar, harp, Spanish guitar, and other percussions is so interesting.
The album includes a nice version of "I Want a Little Sugar in My Bowl", a soulful "Com' by H'Yere-Good Lord"... And "Dambala", recorded live at Philharmonic Hall in New York.

Nina Simone : vocals & piano
Avram Schakman : sitar
Nadi Qamar, Mama-Likembi, Tal Viha : Madagascar harp, Guinee Kuna

Listen to Nina Simone " Dambala"


  1. Sublime! Thanks. how come I never heard about it before; I would have married a girl called Dambala (track 6). Or a boy called Mosquito (well all know this track !)

    Your blog is full of gems. Congratulations and thank you for that (also glad about Jazzmatazz potential revival...after 10years; ouh lord !)


  2. Dambala: Voodoo god, creator of all life. A very fine track, interisting to compare it to the original by Exuma. Thanks for posting it.
